Many people chose to incorporate special weathervane cupolas into their home's exterior presence. A lot of time, energy and money can be invested in finding the right weathervane that is perfectly suited according to the owner's personality, taste, and their home's appearance. Perhaps they have decided to add one for the dramatic impression it leaves on passersby, or perhaps they've chosen to display a weathervane that has a symbolic or special meaning. Regardless of why it is there or what form it is, an attractive way to display it is by using weathervane cupolas.
Weathervane cupolas are common fixtures on century-style houses, churches, old municipal buildings, and even character barns that dot many fields today. However, weathervane cupolas are also gaining popularity among newer style houses whose owners opt to distinguish their property from the others on the block. A weathervane cupola is typically a small addition to the roof of the building, shaped either in a dome or rectangular form.
Weathervane cupolas were originally designed before the modern luxury of air-conditioning. They were the primary mechanism of ventilating the air in old houses and buildings. Because these buildings had a closed roof, the warm air that rose to the top would have nowhere to escape. As more and more warm air gathered, eventually the occupants of the building would endure extremely hot and humid air. As this was uncomfortable for humans, it was equally uncomfortable and even dangerous for livestock in barns. Weathervane cupolas were designed as a mechanism to allow the warm and debilitating air to escape.
By incorporating small slits or openings in the roofs, the accumulated warm air could be released. To ensure that rain, snow, or other extremities could not enter through these openings, the weathervane cupola was designed. The weathervane cupola was a small addition covering the openings, but offering an attractive addition to the exterior. After the main intent had been established, people were able to create attractive cupolas to highlight their buildings or add dramatic effect, thus resulting in the modern weathervane cupolas.
Modern ventilation systems that are installed in virtually every house and building has alleviated the functional need for weathervane cupolas. But, because of many people's desire for an attractive location to display their weathervane, they still exist today in a decorative form and do not necessarily incorporate the air-ventilation openings that were once required.
Weathervane cupolas are available today in many different forms. They can be constructed from wood and sided with vinyl to match the building's exterior. Weathervane cupolas are also available in metal or stone form. These are quite beautiful and dramatic, and can offer a sense of age to the structure.
If you own a building or a home that has a weathervane cupola, ensure its beauty is not lost and install an attractive weathervane. Additionally, if you own a beautiful weathervane, consider adding a weathervane cupola to your building to allow it to be admired by others. Because it offers an additional height to your building, a weathervane cupola will proudly display your ornament for the neighbors to admire.
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